Beyond Reason Productions

Gary Kay Casting
Is proud to be associated with Beyond Reason Productions!
Bringing new and established talent
to your project.
Projects Gary Kay cast have won awards that include
Best Ensemble, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, and Best Film.
We are excited to be a part of the creative process
by finding more than what you want.
We find what you need.
Real-life characters.
Talented actors.

Short Film
It Happened One Night
Clown Lander
Stay With Me
Just Three Words
Diamond Confidential
Truth or Dinner
Blame it On Nora
Feature Film
Still of The Night•
Crispy, Crackers, and Beans
Crash The Super Bowl
Health care: PSA
Heinz: It’s gotta be Heinz
Beckett Raw
Happy Christmas,
Merry Chanukah
Last weekend in June
Love, Sex, &
Crossroads Bar & Grille
• In association with Cricket Feet Casting
Gary Kay Casting supports equal employment opportunities regardless of race, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or national origin.
Gary Kay Casting is committed to maintaining the highest levels of professionalism and ethical responsibility.